Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

Categories: North America

The story began when a friend of the blogger samsebeskazal, who lives on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, on his way to the store decided for some reason to look into a dumpster standing at one of the expensive mansions. Mixed with construction debris, he found a lot of books there.

Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

Among the books he found a special edition of Michel de Montaigne's 1947 Essay with illustrations by Salvador Dali in very decent condition.

Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

Moreover, the book was published in a circulation of only 1000 copies, each of which is signed by the artist.

Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

In two hours, he and blogger samsebeskazal managed to find many more interesting things. No more rare books could be found there. But there were interesting ones. For example, Alice in Wonderland (1947 edition), a book with drawings and stories by John Lennon and a book by Joseph Stalin (1939).

Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

Brand new lingerie, on which even the tags have been preserved. Years, apparently, the forties-sixties of the last century.

Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

From left to right, from top to bottom: a new folder with a carbon copy, old photos, an intelligence report for the UN, Western Air Lines flights, a notification form from a hotel in France advertising TWA, an envelope with telegrams (most sent from Cyprus), an RCA radiogram.

Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

Invoices, declarations, bank statements and checks, insurance and letters. There are many unopened envelopes dated 1951.

Amazing finds in a New York dumpster

How did all this get into the container? Apparently, these were the belongings of the deceased owner of the mansion. And the new buyers of the house (or heirs) did not understand: they hired workers from a garbage removal company, who also did not need to consider what they found.

Keywords: Book | Containers | Trash | New york

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