9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

Categories: Animals | People | Photo project | Positive | Relationship | World

You can read whatever you want, but you still won't be able to understand the logic of the almighty cat. Felines live to the beat of their own drumming, and all we can do as little humans is watch them and wonder what might be going on in their heads.


9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

1. "My aunt made a sofa for my cat."

9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

2. "This is my cat Geoffrey and this is his favorite place to hang out."

9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

3. "I think my cat is broken."

9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

4. This cat loves to stand and take a shower.

9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

5. Guys, there is nothing to see here.

9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

6. "She likes to pretend to be bowling pins."

9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

7. "I made this pillow for a customer and she sent me this photo - I think it means a job well done."

9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

8. "My cat likes to be both on top and under his crate."

9 Photos of Cats That Prove We'll Never Understand Them

9. “Sometimes my cat likes to stand up on its hind legs like a meerkat.”

Keywords: Photos | Cats | Pets | Animals | Positive | Funny animals | Relationships

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