8 very strange zombie movies
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/8-very-strange-zombie-movies.htmlOne of the most favorite topics of cinema is, of course, zombies. So much "good" has been removed from these living dead that it is impossible to count! At the same time, the demand for zombie movies does not think to fall. So the filmmakers are again and again harnessed to the race, trying to shoot their own, the best, original, catchy zombie comedy, zombie detective or zombie melodrama.
Some in this quest go to extremes – the names of their creations alone intrigue to the point of goosebumps. In our absurd collection, we have collected zombie films that can bite even the most notorious skeptic to the quick.
The title of this movie speaks for itself. Imagine "Jaws", in which a giant beaver plays the role of a monster. In "Zombie Beavers" (18+), instead of one overgrown rodent, a dozen small ones run around - but this does not mean that it will be easy! These guys have strong and sharp teeth, and these creatures are terribly nimble. So while the bloodthirsty sharks are languishing in the ocean, zombie beavers are already sneaking along your dacha fence or crawling into your bath.
Actually, this is exactly what happened to the heroes of this unpretentious Jordan Rubin tape – the narrow-minded and, according to the classics, carefree American youth: sexy girls who escape from death in bikinis, then in short shorts, and their silly boyfriends.
Do not rush to turn up your nose at the banal plot and deliberately puppet zombie beavers - the whole relish of this black comedy is in irony and hard banter over films about the living dead! Zombie beavers are by no means less bloodthirsty than their human zombie counterparts. There are also vulgar jokes and a series of completely inadequate actions of the heroes.
By the way, an interesting fact: in the entire century-old history of cinema, only in this film there is a scene where people turn into beavers.
"Attack of Chicken Zombies" (18+) is another picky creation of the independent studio Troma Entertainment, which for several decades has been supplying the world with the choicest trash that the inflamed imagination of their scriptwriters and directors, led by Lloyd Kaufman, is capable of.
Kaufman, as a rule, gives his offspring two indispensable attributes: an intriguing name and a specific humor. So, if you are not squeamish, do not faint from the bloody tin on the screen, and also tolerate harsh humor or too vulgar scenes with dignity, then you will definitely be able to appreciate this satirical tape about the rebellious soul of fast food.
That's right, satirical: somewhere very deep Kaufman buried a lot of bold accusatory messages - against gluttony, venality of politicians, the catering system, religion and education, and in general against mass culture.
To realize his idea, the director mixed in this cauldron not only the above topics, but also genres – there is almost everything here, starting from an action movie and ending with a musical (!), and even a piece of melodrama (through the love line of the main characters).
If you decide to watch this movie, we highly recommend not snacking on its chicken legs or wings. No, really. No need.
Russian translation of the title of another Troma studio tape "Chicken Bikers in Zombie City" (18+) it may give the impression that its representatives have a special weakness for chicken – but no, this film formally has nothing to do with chickens, either live or in a crispy crust.
In the center of events here is another stamp – an extremely aggressive gang of biker girls who boldly call themselves "whores" and "just ride" from city to city, terrorizing residents with their irrepressible craving for rowdiness and love. All this time, heavy rock is playing against the background – harsh women do not recognize other music.
In the end, the biker enters Zariah (this is just the name of the city), where a mad scientist lives, who moonlights as a priest in his spare time (by the way, a kind–hearted dwarf serves this evil old man - everything is according to the canon). It just so happened that the madman planned to take revenge on the US government and began to create zombies in his basements – but, quite unexpectedly, these creatures took and ran away.
Next, a gang of bikers paired with a squad of pimply teenagers, whose bus accidentally (also according to the canon) turned out to be a whole ammunition depot, arrange a fun second life for the walking dead.
By the way, such a mixture of classic "bikermuvi" with zombimuvi, full of absurd dialogues played out with imperturbable faces, even received a jury award at the Fantasporto festival.
Don't let the name with the notorious "vs" deceive you, because this American horror comedy by Christopher Landon "Scouts vs Zombies" (18+) is a surprisingly worthwhile tape for a fun evening with friends.
The main characters are bosom buddies going through a friendship crisis. As you guessed, they are united again by the sudden zombie apocalypse. And so three boy Scouts with a waitress from a strip bar are accepted as they know how to save the world - all in the best traditions of the genre, especially since the slogan of the tape is "Protect yourself". By the way, yes: instead of boring superpowers, the main characters are armed with ingenuity and a bunch of Boy Scout tricks!
No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but believe me: the heroes of "Scouts against Zombies" still break the patterns, because they really react adequately, do not be stupid and do not commit stupid acts, without which horror films usually do not do.
In short, there is no outstanding plot here, but juicy and tasteful, with vulgar jokes and nudity of zombie women, with video bloggers who got into the crowd, and with musical accompaniment by Britney Spears and Scorpions. Plus, of course, the carnage – where without them.
England. XIX century. A zombie apocalypse is raging in the world, and the country is on the verge of extinction. However, it is unacceptable for the prim English aristocracy to lose their composure, so the British are going through difficult times with dignity: they continue to lead a secular life and arrange lavish balls.
The threat of the end of the world and unambiguous references to the four horsemen of the Apocalypse with the Antichrist at their head should not distract the young Bennet sisters from a more important occupation – the search for a successful match. Only now the representatives of the fair sex conquer their chosen ones not by meekness and the ability to play the piano, but by martial arts.
Elizabeth Bennet, for example, masterfully cuts out zombies. This simply cannot escape the close attention of Mr. Darcy, who in this universe, by the way, leads an army of Victorian brave men. And all this with absolutely serious faces!
"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" (16+) is a completely insane experiment by Burr Stears in the format of a comedy melodramatic action movie with horror elements. The film infuriated fans of the canonical Jane Austen and aesthetically delighted the eyes of fans of zombimuvi.
If you are thinking about what to watch on a weekend evening, and you want something touching and heartwarming, but at the same time, preferably with zombies and blood, you can safely choose "Pride and prejudice and zombies". Here even the living dead form a bridge between the hearts of lovers.
Before Peter Jackson started shooting innocent, highly spiritual masterpieces of fantasy classics, he was simply an unsurpassed master of thrash. First there was the critically acclaimed film "Bad Taste" about man-eating aliens. And then a cult brainchild of its genre happened – a parody horror film with the original name "Braingroup" or, in other words, "The Living Dead" (18+).
This is the bloodiest movie in the history of cinema, in which 40 zombies were crushed by a lawn mower at the same time, spilling 400 liters of fake blood, 5 gallons per second. Jackson invented about ten new ways of shredding zombies (and not only), and they were enthusiastically picked up by the creators of the zombie movie genre.
In the "Living Dead" zombie "tripe" is constantly flying everywhere, zombies eat themselves and copulate, while they are literally exterminated in 1000 and 1 way. All this is artfully superimposed on such a theme as hypertrophied maternal love. The "mama's son" is trying to escape from the obsessive care of a strict mother, but the woman very inappropriately turns out to be bitten by a rat monkey and becomes a zombie.
A sane person would hurry to get rid of the monster, well, or take his feet far away before they were bitten off. But this character, on the contrary, tries his best to protect his mother and not let her out of the house.
"The Living Dead" is a really wild, thrash movie. Not for the impressionable.
This old comedy horror film by Robert Scott about the dead getting out of the TV was prudently released immediately on video. Of course, run this on the big screen – so many of them will have time to get out at a time that there will definitely be a zombie apocalypse!
The topic of monsters crawling out from the other side of the TV screen is already well known to viewers and is unlikely to frighten anyone much. However, then, at the end of the 80s, they say, the impression of the "TV Dead" (18+) was so strong that they were even afraid to take cassettes with them from the rental. There are, however, clever people who claim that the "TV Dead" were not popular because of low-grade – but this is all chatter.
In general, if you forget for a minute about all the bad and disgusting things that this film is made of, then there is a deep thought in it. A TV set sent to the Institute of Occult Sciences, on which the movie "Bloody Zombie Nightmares" is always on, and from which these same zombies get out to turn the audience into zombies ... Yes, that's ... for sure! An allusion to the zombie box! Don't watch TV, kids, or you'll become a zombie.
Zombies, sex, nudity, epilated zombies, silicone breast zombies, sex ... have you forgotten anything? Such is the filling of the movie "Zombie Bikers Epilated with hot Wax" (18+) - a loose parody of Michael Rusch's zombie horrors.
Perhaps the title more than describes the main points that make up the whole plot. A sexy biker girl on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle arrives in a quiet and harmless town. She wants to start her own business, settle down, so to speak, and opens a beauty studio with an epilation service. However, something is going wrong.
It is not clear for what reasons – maybe because epilation is very painful, well, or Freud is somehow involved here - the clients of this salon turn into zombies. And, for a moment, not just in zombies, but in zombie machines of lust. These wax-waxed zombies hunt not for human brains, but for decency and a mind not clouded by deep subconscious motives (all according to Freud).
In general, while in other classic zombie movies and parodies of them, the heroes are bravely or absurdly – as it turns out – but they are trying to save the world from the end of the world, the main character of the "Zombie Bikers Epilated with hot wax", together with her jock boyfriend, is fighting against the transformation of the American nation into a crowd of anxious zombies. Hmm, wait. Did it seem to us or did some actual message flash by here?
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