8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

Categories: Advertising | Art | Design and Architecture | People | Photo project | Society | Technology | World

Slovenian creative director Jure Tovljan has reimagined iconic logos to reflect the challenges of social distancing.

Tovrlyan started the project about a week ago when all his social channels were filled with memes about the coronavirus pandemic. “It all started when I was looking at the Starbucks logo,” he said. “I was wondering what the iconic masked mermaid would look like.”

After he realized his vision, Tovrlian decided to continue working on the concept.


8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

1. Extra Crown.

8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

2. Olympic Games.

8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

3. Linkedin.

8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

4. Starbucks.

8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

5. Nba.

8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

6. Mastercard.

8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

7. The Us Open (Tennis).

8 logos that perfectly capture today's atmosphere

8. Cars.

Keywords: Logos | Logo designs | Graphic designers | Creative directors | Iconic logos | Art

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