6 best films about aging and older people

6 best films about aging and older people

Categories: Cinema | Lifestyle | People | Society | World

It happens to all of us. We will all die one day. Aging is not the end of life, it is the most mysterious part of it. Don't you think so? Take a moment and appreciate who you are today. And now, in retrospect, as far as possible... think back to yourself five years ago, a decade, two, or more, and see how much has changed. Do you like the same kind of music? Do you support the same political views? You are with someone you love, or you have lost/limited your ability to simply experience said emotions.

We present our top 6 movies about aging/old people of all time. Of course, their choice of them is rather limited, but compared to their real-life counterparts, these examples are truly a universal expression of the trials and tribulations of maturity. Some are funny. Some are hard to watch.


6 best films about aging and older people

1. Harold and Maud.

As an aging object of her young lover's "desires", the 75-year-old woman claims that aging is just a process of growth. Although she is free-spirited and reveals Harold's closed view of the world, the tragedies she endured (such as the tattoo on her arm) illustrate the sum of all the years.

6 best films about aging and older people

2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

One of the things we fear as we age is the loss of friends, family, connections, and memories. So imagine what it would be like if the same thing happened to you, but it all happened in reverse order. How would you react when you see your loved ones die when you return to a needy, immature state again. It was the premise of David Fincher's intoxicating film, in which Brad Pitt plays F. Scott's character Fitzgerald, who ages in reverse.

6 best films about aging and older people

3. Harry and Tonto.

Comedian Art Carney won an Oscar for his performance here, and it's not hard to see why. He plays a grumpy old widower who has to leave his New York apartment. This sends him on an episodic trip across the country that actually captures every aspect of life, from sex and scandal to depression and dementia.

6 best films about aging and older people

4. Tokyo story.

After World War II, there was a seismic shift as technology provided rural residents with the opportunity to travel to the city. The rest are mired in outdated traditions and a sense of common distance. These are the themes for Yasujiro Ozu's masterpiece (often cited as one of the greatest films of all time) about an aging couple who come to the named metropolis to visit their overly busy children.

6 best films about aging and older people

5. Aunt Daniel.

Ask any aging person and they will tell you that getting old is hell. Now witness the literal interpretation of the same in this nearly forgotten 1990 French black comedy. The protagonist is a hot-tempered childless widow, vile, cruel, and vicious. Having divided the estate, she leaves to live with the family of her "beloved" great-nephew.

6 best films about aging and older people

6. Away from her.

We learn the story of an aging couple who have to face the horrific truth that one of them no longer remembers the other. Fiona (brilliant… BRILLIANT Julie Christie) has been with Grant (Gordon Pinsent) for what seems like an eternity. When she develops an acute case of Alzheimer's, she is admitted to a nursing home. In the end, she completely forgets about her beloved spouse and meets another.

Keywords: Best films | Aging | People | Lifestyle | Mystery | Political views | Emotions | Experience | Cinema | Movies

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