5 weird things that are considered sexy in different countries

5 weird things that are considered sexy in different countries

Categories: Beauty | Lifestyle | People | Society | World

Depending on the country in which people live, their ideals of what constitutes true beauty may differ markedly from the ideals of other countries. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. And what many of us consider our physical handicaps may turn out to be fascinating for someone out there in distant other countries.

We've rounded up some of the most interesting features that people find attractive and sexy around the world.


5 weird things that are considered sexy in different countries

1. Fused eyebrows - Tajikistan.

In some cities and regions of Tajikistan, the so-called monobrow is a sign of beauty. And if nature has not given the girl this zest, can she decide to apply makeup to achieve the desired result? Does this confuse tourists? Hardly. On tadzhikistan.spr.ru there is not a single response against the appearance of girls working in travel agencies and airports.

5 weird things that are considered sexy in different countries

2. Crooked teeth - Japan.

In most countries, straight teeth are considered a sign of a perfect smile. However, in Japan, they think differently. The so-called "yaeba" or crooked teeth is considered a very cute attribute of appearance. This is why dentists in Japan are so popular.

5 weird things that are considered sexy in different countries

3. Scarification or scarification - West Africa, New Guinea.

Residents of New Guinea resort to scarring to decorate their bodies. And if men receive scars in initiation rites, then for women this attribute is considered a symbol of beauty.

5 weird things that are considered sexy in different countries

4. Heart-shaped face - South Korea.

Plastic surgery is very common in South Korea. In Seoul and other major cities, you can see advertisements on the streets that urge you to lie on the table of a plastic surgeon.

It was here that it became fashionable to make a face with a heart. To do this, the jawbones are divided into three parts and the middle part is removed, and the two outer ones are combined with each other, after which the bones are smoothed and wait for their fusion. Needless to say, after such an operation, a person can only eat liquid food for a long time.

5 weird things that are considered sexy in different countries

5. Overweight - Mauritania.

Mauritanians have absolutely no chance of catching a man's eye if they do not have folds of belly fat.

To get girls to the desired size, their parents send them to special "farms" where they can eat up to 16,000 calories a day (the norm is 1500). Unfortunately, due to this tradition, many girls develop stomach ailments.

Keywords: Sexy | Women | Stereotypes | People | World | Country | Beauty | Standards | Face | Body

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