5 weird habits of smart people
Categories: Lifestyle | People | Science | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/5-weird-habits-of-smart-people.htmlWhen do you think of a very smart person, what habits come to mind? We usually imagine a smart guy who wears glasses, reads books and is learning all the time. But did you know that they also have other, lesser-known habits?
Here are five strange habits of highly intelligent people.
1. They talk to themselves
What do you think when you see someone talking to themselves? Yes, it looks a bit crazy from the outside. But researchers believe that this habit is actually a useful technique used by very smart people. In a study, this habit was found to improve visual perception and comprehension. Vocalizing a topic allows the brain to extract information more efficiently, which helps interpret the environment, find objects, and explore ideas. So when you see someone talking to themselves, it's not necessarily crazy. It can be a very smart person who is currently inventing a cure for cancer or solving some other global problem.
2. They are night owls
What time are you most active? Research shows that people who are more productive at night are smarter than those who go to bed early. Highly intelligent people often prefer to live their own way rather than adhere to the instincts and conventions of society.
3. They are disorganized
How do you structure your life? You might think that plans, schedules, and systems are a sign of intelligence, but research shows the opposite is true. Research has shown that highly intelligent people prefer disorder over organization and routine. Researchers believe that highly intelligent people do not need rules, plans, and reminders to tell them what is best to do in every situation, as long as they are smart enough to figure out how to manage themselves. Sometimes the order even interferes with highly intelligent people, as it limits their freedom.
4. They are loners
How much time do you spend alone? Research has proven that highly intelligent people spend most of their time alone. They have many goals to make the most of their abilities and ambitions. This reduces the time they spend on socializing, which is only a small part of their lives. However, on the other hand, they are usually quite satisfied with this compromise. Working towards long-term goals gives them a form of happiness that nothing else can give. Highly intelligent people are not just loners, they are happy to be loners.
5. They dream
You might think that highly intelligent people are always focused on achieving their goals. Smart people use daydreaming to plan for the future, seek creative solutions, switch between different information streams, and improve their assimilation of new information.
Keywords: Habits | People | Reading books | Smart people | Lifestyle | Science | Mindset | Cleverness
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