5 Scientific Scenarios for a Global Catastrophe

5 Scientific Scenarios for a Global Catastrophe

Categories: Catastrophes | People | Photo project | Science | Society | Tragedy | Travel | World

The end of the world, the apocalypse, a global catastrophe are topics that have recently become very popular in the media. Black scenarios of catastrophes that could lead to the end of life on Earth are not only invented by screenwriters of disaster films. Over various theories of the end of human civilization, scientists from all over the world are breaking bare. We present to your attention 5 scientific scenarios of a global catastrophe that will end the existence of mankind.


5 Scientific Scenarios for a Global Catastrophe

1. Scientific researchers from the University of British Columbia believe that an increasing population of ... jellyfish can lead to a global catastrophe.

In some parts of our planet (especially in the immediate vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands and Antarctica), the number of jellyfish has increased by 62 percent. It turns out that jellyfish can be very dangerous. They repeatedly caused damage to Japanese and American ships, as well as power plants. Moreover, because of the jellyfish, a huge number of fish die out. Later, the same fate may befall penguins and whales, said Dr. Lisa-Anne Gershwin, a marine biologist at the University of British Columbia. She emphasized that there is a variety of "immortal" jellyfish - Turritopsis dohrnii - that can regenerate their cells, so they cannot be destroyed. (Photo: Chen Yiming/flickr.com).

5 Scientific Scenarios for a Global Catastrophe

2. Researchers from Harvard University managed to stop the aging process in mice. Many scientists of the world are working on the problem of aging and immortality of people, and some of them, in their bold predictions, believes that in the next 10 years people will become immortal.

However, no one thought about the scenario for the development of events in the event that it was really possible to create a "cure for death." We will live for a very long time, and in the end, we will be forced to fight for survival with our own descendants, warns Professor Keith Jeffrey, a neurologist at University College London. She adds that, of course, not everyone will have enough food, shelter, work, etc. (Photo: scottspy/flickr.com).

5 Scientific Scenarios for a Global Catastrophe

3. Astronomer Dr. Seth Shostak believes that aliens may soon discover us.

We have been sending signals into space for over 60 years. It is quite possible that soon the inhabitants of some planet will become aware of our existence, says Dr. Seth Shostak. This view is shared by Stephen Hawking, who said that "aliens do not necessarily have to live on planets very distant from Earth and there is a risk that they will receive signals sent by people in the near future." And a visit by aliens to our planet may end in the same way as the arrival of Columbus ended for the native inhabitants of America. (Photo: Rooners Toy Photography/flickr.com).

5 Scientific Scenarios for a Global Catastrophe

4. Scientists also fear that in the near future, people may develop resistance or body resistance to the action of antibiotics.
In this case, any bacterial infection can become deadly. Pharmaceutical companies are already producing new drugs to treat many diseases, but their development cannot continue indefinitely. Doctors are sounding the alarm: we are already being "attacked" by antibiotic-resistant strains of diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and diphtheria.

And remember that diseases caused by viral infections, in particular the flu, are not treated with antibiotics. Don't just take pills! (Photo: Yvonne Shearer/flickr.com).

5 Scientific Scenarios for a Global Catastrophe

5. All Terminator movie fans will love this doomsday scenario. Yes, it is robots, according to the theories of scientists, that can cause the destruction of all mankind.

And all because more and more often in wars, machines are used that are controlled not by a person, but by a computer. For example, drones are unmanned aerial vehicles, says Noel Sharkey, professor of robotics. He adds that it is very likely that "a human-launched robot will one day decide to kill him." (Photo: Tim Dennell/flickr.com).

Keywords: Scientific Scenarios | Science | Global catastrophe | Earth | Apocalypse | Human civilization

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