25 Amazing Facts About New York

25 Amazing Facts About New York

Categories: North America

New York is an amazing city, it is not so difficult to imagine 25 unexpected facts about it. At the moment, as many as 8.4 million people live in the Big Apple! But there are things even more amazing.

(Total 25 photos)

25 Amazing Facts About New York Source: list25.com

25 Amazing Facts About New York

1. 12,152 life forms (including insects and bacteria) have been identified in the New York subway.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

2. Except in an emergency, honking is prohibited in New York City. And yes, we know, everyone is still honking!

25 Amazing Facts About New York

3. In 1789, the city was designated the first capital of the United States. It lasted, however, only a year.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

4. In 2018, the world's first underground park will open in New York.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

5. There is a skyscraper in the city without windows.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

6. Manhattan was bought from local residents in 1626 for an amount comparable to one thousand dollars today.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

7. New Yorkers bite ten times more people a year than sharks.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

8. In winter, the city authorities set fire to the railway tracks so that they are not covered with ice.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

9. More New Yorkers die from suicide than from homicide.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

10. Running a hot dog stand in the vicinity of Central Park costs about $300,000 a year.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

11. In the language of the Delaware Indians, the word "Manhattan" means "island of many hills" (over the years, the hills were razed to the ground in order to develop urban construction).

25 Amazing Facts About New York

12. New York is the city with the largest Polish population in the world (after Warsaw).

25 Amazing Facts About New York

13. Approximately half of the city's population does not speak English at home.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

14. There are no Walmart stores in New York.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

15. There are more Chinese in New York than in any other non-Asian city, and more Jews than in any other city outside of Israel.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

16. One in 38 Americans lives in New York.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

17. Seven times more coffee is drunk in the city than in other regions of the United States.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

18.​ 25% of the world's gold bullion is stored in vaults under Wall Street (at the Federal Reserve Bank).

25 Amazing Facts About New York

19. One in 21 New Yorkers is a millionaire.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

20. An inconspicuous harmless shrimp called copepod, or copepod crayfish, lives in the New York water system.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

21. About 15 times more snow falls in the city than at the South Pole (this is not surprising at all, because Antarctica is a desert and there is little rainfall).

25 Amazing Facts About New York

22. Einstein's eyes are locked in one of the safes in the city.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

23. The Empire State Building has its own zip code.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

24. 800 languages ​​are spoken in New York, it is the city with the largest linguistic diversity in the world.

25 Amazing Facts About New York

25. While it was long believed that the origin of the expression "Big Apple" is unknown, researchers at the Missouri University of Science and Technology were able to establish a probable etymology. Apples were the name given to the massive horse races around New York (probably because horses love apples). The term was popularized by journalist John Fitz Gerald in The New York Morning Telegraph, where he mentioned he was going to the Big Apple.

Keywords: New York facts

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