22 photos of people who had a sooo bad day
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/22-photos-of-people-who-had-a-sooo-bad-day.htmlThere are people who are always lucky! Such people always win lotteries, and they catch the last bus, and they find money on the street, and, of course, in 100% of cases they get the right match when drawing lots. And there are people who, on the contrary, Fortune smiles very rarely… Murphy's law applies to them — everything that can go wrong will definitely go wrong.
It remains only to accept and treat your failures with humor!
"It seems that no one is going to play in the tree house this summer."
"I ordered a collectible figurine on the Internet. They sent me a used sock."
"While on vacation, someone set fire to my car with a wallet inside."
"I just noticed that the level I was using for repairs has been disabled all this time."
"Broke my wedding ring... two weeks before the anniversary."
"I was given an order with a tube wrapper, but without the tube itself."
"I was driving with the window open, and the wasp decided to take advantage of it."
"How in the world did a golf ball move my kneecap 90degrees to the left?"
"I decided to cook pasta."
"I opened a chocolate bar, and they were already waiting for me here..."
"It looks like the cat doesn't want my life to be easier at all."
"Today I was going to sell the car, but someone decided to disrupt my plans."
"Cats broke a houseplant that was about to bloom."
"I just forgot to close the lid of the syrup bottle."
"It's a hard day at the warehouse today."
"Put roses to Mother's Day on the street, so that they silently bask in the sun. Wild rabbits came running and ate them."
"My bird decided to have fun."
"I just left my daughter alone for a couple of minutes."
"For some reason, my son decided to throw his toy ball there, and now we can't get it out."
"I drank orange juice... by the way, I'm on vacation, and I only took one pair of pants."
"The sun's rays hit through the window directly on my record player."
"They forgot to put bacon in my bacon sandwich."
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