16 life patterns

16 life patterns

Categories: Positive

Every day we have minor troubles. Then the equipment slows down when you need to send something urgently, then all the traffic lights come across your way, well, and you can not mention the next queue, which always moves faster. Perhaps you think that this is some kind of evil intent of the universe? However, she doesn't care at all that you will redo the work that could have been done well initially. Everything is much simpler: it turns out that in this world there is a law for everything, and for a long time.

And although it sometimes seems that many things happen by themselves, it is not so — well, or not quite so. Once scientists voiced the patterns of everyday life, which later received their name in honor of the "discoverers" of their scientists. We have selected the most useful of them for you and compiled this list of necessary laws and axioms that will make your life easier. And although they cause a smile and cannot be scientific facts, but who can doubt their truth?

16 life patterns

16 life patterns

1. The axiom of Kahn and Orben: "If nothing else helps, finally read the instructions!"

16 life patterns

2. Ettore's observation: "The next queue always moves faster."

16 life patterns

3. Khleid's law: "Entrust the solution of a difficult task to a lazy employee — he will find an easier way."

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4. The eighth rule of Fingale: "Teamwork is very important. It allows you to blame someone else."

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5. The law of J. B. Shaw: "Who can — does. Who can't — teaches."

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6. Flagg's law: "The need has come to knock on wood — you discover that the world consists of aluminum and plastic."

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7. The law of search: "You have to start looking from the most inappropriate place."

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8. Mesquiman's law: "There is always not enough time to do the job properly, but there is time to redo it."

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9. Van Roy's Law: "An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking others with it."

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10. The rule of project deadlines: "The first 90% of the work takes 10% of the time, and the last 10% — the remaining 90% of the time."

16 life patterns

11. Watergate principle: "Corruption in government is always reported in the past tense."

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12. Neisdra's law: "You can make a defense against a fool, but only from the unintelligible."

16 life patterns

13. Yang's Law: "All great discoveries are made by mistake."

16 life patterns

14. Army axiom: "Any order that can be misunderstood is misunderstood."

16 life patterns

15. Drew's Law (the Law of Professional Practice): "Whoever pays the least, complains the most."

16 life patterns

16. Jones' Law: "The most interesting exhibit does not have a name plate."

Keywords: Life | Law | Logic

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