13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | World

Psychology explains many things that we encounter in life. With the help of it, you can find the reasons for a person's behavior, evaluate the relationship between people. Every day we face situations that have their own names in psychology. We have selected the most frequent ones.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

Almost everyone has encountered this concept. Let's explain with an example.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

You have been walking towards some goal for a long time, and then there were obstacles that you cannot cope with. At such a moment, you feel disappointed and annoyed. When everything is boring and nothing works out, then frustration has set in.

In psychology, catharsis is most often taken as a method by which a person is freed from anxiety and problems.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

For example, when trying to recall past events that supposedly influenced the problems in the present, a kind of purification or catharsis occurs. The simplest example of catharsis: cry enough, and then feel relieved.

At first glance, a rigid person may seem stubborn.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

In fact, rigid people are simply not ready for changes, they are conservative and afraid to move away from the action plan. A person can be rigid either because of the peculiarities of the psyche, or because of social reasons (peculiarities of upbringing, failures in life).

This term explains how a person assesses responsibility for events in his life.


With an internal locus of control, we look for the reasons for success and failure in ourselves, and with an external locus, we believe in fate and the circumstances of life. In other words, the locus of control helps to explain to oneself the reason for the events taking place in life.

In a simple way, introspection means introspection: a person pays attention to himself, his thoughts, beliefs and analyzes it.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

Introspection is contradictory in its results, because each of us is prone to subjectivism. We can treat ourselves either too strictly, or, on the contrary, feel sorry for ourselves.

The condition of a person in which he cannot describe his emotions and feelings.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

He does not recognize negative and positive emotions and cannot fix them. It is also difficult for him to determine the emotions and feelings of other people.

Procrastination is often confused with laziness. But these two concepts are different.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

Both laziness and procrastination are described by a situation when we postpone important things for later. Only procrastination is always side by side with anxiety and remorse. But a lazy person rarely worries about his idleness.

Ambivalence borders on contradiction and duality.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

Imagine that you love a person and at the same time he infuriates you. It is this state that is called ambivalence.

You must have repeatedly encountered people who do everything for show, behave artificially, exaggerate their emotions and are very unnatural.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

This behavior is called affectation. It is often expressed in gestures and speech. For example, a deliberately raised voice.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

A state of mental harmony in which a person feels completely satisfied and internally calm.

A way of knowing yourself with the help of the real world. A person analyzes his actions and decisions, thanks to this he learns himself better.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

Reflection should not be confused with introspection, which we wrote about in the fifth paragraph. Introspection implies an analysis of a person's mental processes, and reflecting, a person looks at himself from the outside and evaluates his behavior.

Prostration and frustration are similar. But prostration is a state of severe fatigue, both physical and mental.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

This may be due to illness or severe tension. Often about a person who is distracted or indifferent to what is happening, they say that he is in prostration. That's because the symptoms of real prostration are similar to when a person just flies in the clouds.

Empathy is often confused with sympathy.

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state

Empathy is the ability to understand another person, their experiences and problems. It is not necessary to feel sympathy for him at the same time.

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