12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

Categories: World

Superstitions are woven so tightly into our lives that I'm sure many do not even notice how looking for something wooden to knock three times, or refuse to pass the salt at the table. Most interesting is that every culture has its own unique superstitions and prejudices, surviving from Medieval times. Therefore, some superstitions seem really crazy, especially people who didn't grow up in the country where the locals have absorbed it literally with mother's milk.

So, we offer you a selection of the craziest superstitions from around the world.

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

Not to raise a glass with water for health

In Germany there is a belief that if someone is in the company of friends will support toast with a glass of water, he desires the death of all those present. Pretty creepy, isn't it? However, we think that this is another way to get your friend to join the company of drinkers. No one wants to think him a maniac.

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

Successfully plunge into a pile of dog feces

Itself to step on the result of dog walking is unpleasant for any person. But in France it is believed that if you stepped in the feces, with the left leg, it luckily. But if God forbid you got there right foot, all for nothing is a bad sign.

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

You can't sit on the pillow

Sometimes put a pillow for more comfort is necessary, but in Malaysia it is not necessary so to do, because they believe that you will bring on his soft spot acne and other skin troubles. Although, maybe it's just precautions, so that you can safely put your head on the pillow, not thinking about who and what was sitting on it.

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

To eat grapes at midnight

In Spain it is customary to eat exactly 12 grapes at midnight, thus ensuring happiness and prosperity for the subsequent 12 months next year. The origins of the superstition originated from the belief, according to which 12 grapes protect from witches and evil forces.

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

Not to step on a crack

All children raised in North America, know that in any case can not step on a crack in the pavement. This superstition is accompanied by eerie saying about that if you step on a crack, something happens to the mother (in the original "Don't step on a crack or you ll break your mother's back").

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

To avoid the numbers four

In China and Japan, the Quartet is often associated with death. The origin of superstitions are drawn from Chinese, as the characters for the words "death" and "four" are very similar in pronunciation. The superstition is so common that in the hospital elevators you will see a button with the number four.

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

You shouldn't chew gum in the evening

In Turkey you would condemn if you see chewing gum in the evening, after dinner, for example. The Turks believe that if you chew gum after dark, it means that you actually chew the flesh of the dead. Perhaps, after this the gum will not want to chew on during the day.

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

Hide thumbs, passing by the cemetery

In Japan believe that if you do not hide your thumbs while walking past the cemetery, you will not be able to say goodbye to your parents on their deathbed. Quite strange, isn't it? Perhaps the thing is that in Japanese language the word "thumb" literally translates to "parent finger."

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

Friday, 17th

On a very bad day, Friday, the 13th, already know, probably all. It is believed that the superstition comes from the fact that at the last supper of Jesus was attended by 13 students. In Italy, however, are afraid of Friday the 17th. All because the Roman numeral 17 (XVII) can be converted to the Latin word VIXI, which means "my life is over."

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

To carry a newborn baby over a crust of cheese

The origin of this superstition refers to the ancient middle Ages. In those days pregnant women were doing so-called "groaning cheese" in the beginning of the period. During the nine months of cheese ripening, the growth of the child. When the time came to give birth, the whole family gathered and ate "groaning cheese", leaving only the upper crust. Through this crust the child carries the day of Epiphany that promised a long and happy life.

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

When you can go in the shower?

In India superstitious people follow the schedule if they want, for example, to wash. As it is considered bad luck if you washed your hair or cut your hair on Thursday or Saturday. But if you want to cut the nails, make sure it's not Tuesday or Sunday as this is also a bad sign. Oh, and don't do it in the evening. Try to make your toilet before sunset.

12 of the craziest superstitions from around the world

A fan or air conditioning will kill you

In South Korea believe that if you sleep and run a fan in a closed room, it will kill you. This can be avoided only by opening the window. In Japan, by the way, there is a similar superstition — many believe that if you do not turn the air off at night, it will lead to disease. Although the superstition can not be called strange, it is quite reasonable.

Keywords: Omens | Strange | Superstitions | Traditions

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