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Manene Festival: Why do Indonesians dig up dead relatives ...
Every three years, the Indonesian island of Sulawesi hosts the Manene Festival, in which representatives of the Toraja people dig ...

The new Chinese-made Titanic will be launched in 3 years
The construction of a full-size replica of the Titanic in China is nearing completion. New aerial photographs show that a replica ...

Drastic changes in the life of a Polish woman who eats only ...
Just a few years ago, designer Tina Stoklosa lived in dull Warsaw, weighed 83 kg and had no personal life, devoting her leisure ...

Against the system: the girl went to work for 3 years in the ...
Few women would dare to go to work in the same outfit for several days in a row. But the art director of the advertising firm ...

Photographer spent 3 years traveling the world to catch the sun
With its appearance, it gives smiles to millions of people, warms and gives warmth, and flowers seem to bloom in the souls. The sun ...

A former alcoholic showed as changed over the 3 years of ...
To abandon their vices is not so simple, but the result is clearly worth the effort. And even if you do not notice the change from ...
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Welcome to London – a city that consumes more energy than other European countries. From above, the bright lights of the ...

This post is dedicated to the cutest little puppies who sleep with cute little plush toys. The emotion of this photo rolls! What ...
Francesca Strino's talent and love for painting help her create stunning feminine paintings. All her canvases convey the ...