Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Categories: Children | Culture

Sometimes children get tired of standard tasks that make up the basis of the school curriculum. It is then that teachers try to come up with some unusual activities to distract students and motivate them to further feats in learning. 

In one art school, children were given the task of reproducing famous paintings by world-famous artists. And the results exceeded all expectations, I must admit. Without a doubt, real geniuses are growing up among these schoolchildren. 

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Georgy Zotikov, 14 years old. Edvard Munch, "The Scream".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Alexey Galenko, 8 years old. Leonardo da Vinci, "Mona Lisa".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Valeria Vitchikova, 14 years old. Van Gogh, "Still Life with sunflowers".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Daria Golubovskaya, 12 years old. Ivan Aivazovsky, "The Ninth Shaft".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Albina Murashko, 11 years old. Sandro Botticelli, "The Birth of Venus".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Ksenia Zhukovskaya, 15 years old. Raphael Santi, " Transfiguration. An angel."

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Katya Kidaeva, 12 years old. Valentin Serov, "The Girl with peaches".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Polina Zinchenko, 12 years old. Van Gogh, "Moonlight Night".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Vera Mazaeva, 11 years old. Amedeo Modigliani, "Portrait of Abutern".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Daria Yarovaya, 13 years old. Jan Vermeer, "The Girl with the Pearl Earring".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Angelina Ghazaryan, 8 years old. Claude Monet, "Irises in Giverny".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Polina Shevchenko, 14 years old. Boris Kustodiev, "The Merchant's Wife at tea".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Maria Nikolaenko, 12 years old. Alexey Savrasov, "Sukharev Tower in Moscow".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Anastasia Bondareva, 11 years old. Vladimir Borovikovsky, "Portrait of Maria Lopukhina".

Young geniuses: children reproduced famous masterpieces of painting

Daria Struk, 13 years old. Arkhip Kuindzhi, "Lake Ladoga".

Keywords: Culture | Russian federation | School | Painting | Children | Education | Talent | Artists | Genius | Masterpieces

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