Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Categories: Fashion | World

It is difficult for today's teenagers to understand those who are nostalgic for the noughties, when eyebrows were thin as a thread, and skirts were short as two threads. Remember?

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Eyebrows were supposed to be carefully plucked, leaving a dozen hairs. Less is also not scary.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

But the eyelashes, on the contrary, were supposed to resemble a dark forest.

Tight tops were irresistibly striving up, and the waist of jeans-on the contrary, down.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

An ordinary white T-shirt ceased to be considered underwear and gained the fame of outerwear — however, for this it was supposed to be combined with a glamorous skirt and large earrings.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

And in general, the clothes became more and more modest in size. The jacket, for example, began to look like this. Fashionable girls had to stoically endure the constant cold.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Scarves also became smaller and smaller, instead of wool, thin cotton threads were used on them, and openwork knitting opened the neck to all the winds. As a result, scarves have almost lost their practical meaning.

The slogan of zero clothing is " A minimum of practicality!" That's why, tell me, do you need such long and tight sleeves for a jacket with open shoulders and back?

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

The upper and lower parts of the body were completely stylistically unrelated. It seemed that people were arbitrarily changed by the upper halves, regardless of fashion preferences... and even gender. Here, for example, the upper half is from a socialite, the lower half is from a loose skater.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Things were constantly getting new assignments, and a tie could easily turn into a belt.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

The only acceptable type of manicure was a French manicure.

The fashionable girl had to flaunt a chocolate-colored tan with orange peels all year round. Self-tanning in stores did not stagnate.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

The girls discovered hair straighteners for themselves — and they were never the same again.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Lipstick gave way to lip gloss.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Contour lip pencil is another controversial fashion of the noughties. Especially considering that it was not necessary to match it to the tone.

And it's impossible to tell what was happening with eye makeup! This is still a modest version of makeup.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Clothing in the style of a children's game of Indians and cowboys has conquered even the most glamorous segments of the population.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

Heavy boots were considered a sign of femininity.

Wild 2000s: nostalgia for the merciless fashion of the noughties

By the way, take a closer look at the jeans in this photo. An unusual model, isn't it? But this is not the strangest style of the noughties! There were some absolutely incredible specimens.

In a word, the girls of the noughties created their own new style themselves — and they are still proud of it!

Keywords: 00s | Nostalgia | Style | Photo collection

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