This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It

This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It

Categories: Beauty | Fashion | People | Society | World

Jayne Matthews is a talented hairdresser with a knack for the retro styles of the 1960s and 1970s. Her transformative skills take clients on a journey from contemporary looks to vintage-inspired hippie vibes. A signature touch in Jayne's creations is the inclusion of bangs; they are a consistent feature in all her hairstyles. 

For instance, one of her recent masterpieces showcases a woman with sleek, long black hair, accented by sharp and defined bangs. This look captures a timeless elegance, reminiscent of classic '60s fashion. In stark contrast, yet equally captivating, is another client with pink hair and a playful and edgy cut with wispy bangs, radiating '70s free spirit.  These image examples not only spotlight Jayne's skillset but also her commitment to reviving the iconic aesthetics of past decades, with bangs taking center stage in every transformation.

More info: instagram


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


This Hairstylist Shows How A Good Haircut Transforms People And These 11 Pics Prove It


Keywords: Hairstylist | Before and after | Appearance | Transformative skills | Transformations

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