The most expensive food you probably won't try

The most expensive food you probably won't try

Categories: Food and Drinks

We all love to eat and sometimes try to experiment with new products. Whether it is exotic and strange fruit or healthy diet meals – food will always be one of the most important priorities. That's not the only way to survive, but also the opportunity to pamper your taste buds.

Usually, we love when the food is inexpensive, but at times, I want to eat "something", even if it's yummy left in your wallet hole. And although you're unlikely to try and represented in the products list, let us know how many are willing to spend people to appease your stomach. So, the 10 most expensive foods in the world.

The most expensive food you probably won't try

The most expensive food you probably won't try

The rarity of these fungi raises their price to $ 1,000 per pound. Matsutake or mattaka originally from Japan, and are growing in several Asian countries, but their numbers are significantly reduced insects that destroy trees, under whose shade usually grow these mushrooms. So as a way to cultivate matsutake, there is a possibility that they may even disappear from the face of the Earth. So, to mushroom for some scrambled eggs? Pricey for some scrambled eggs...

The most expensive food you probably won't try

Although healthy food bagels can not be called, these muffins are pretty hearty and delicious. And inexpensive. Although this beyglu is not the case, because he smeared cream cheese, peppered with white truffles, Zlatolist and jams from the berries Goji. How about to eat this for Breakfast? Yes? Well, then get ready to dump it for $ 1,000 because the white truffles took second place in the list of most expensive products in the world in terms of price/weight.

The most expensive food you probably won't try

Ironically, this dish is called "Frittata in a million", but to try this wonderful gastronomy, will have to pay only $ 1,000. Per serving. All because this Frittata is a dish made from lobster, eggs and sevruga caviar, which costs $ 65 for 30 grams. This Frittata can rightly be called one of the most expensive Breakfast in the world.

The most expensive food you probably won't try

What makes this steak is so expensive ($2,800 apiece), is the fact that it's made with beef Wagyu breed – most of those who drink beer and make a massage to the meat melted in your mouth. In addition to the absurdly high prices, this steak is also incredibly greasy. So if you do not stop a threat to your wallet, can be a threat to their own health can?

The most expensive food you probably won't try

The dish is known as the most expensive curry in the world, because it costs $ 3,200. It was prepared on the occasion of a reception for the premiere of the film "Slumdog Millionaire" in Mumbai. Chefs have gathered the most expensive ingredients that I could find: white truffle, Devon crab, Beluga caviar and sprinkled it all edible gold leaf. The result is a kind of gastronomic too.

The most expensive food you probably won't try

This pizza for 4200 dollars made Domenico crolla, and this is one of the most expensive dishes in the world. 30-inch pizza you lay out the pieces of lobster in cognac marinade, caviar soaked in champagne, Scottish smoked salmon, balsamic vinegar great endurance, sirloin venison, prosciutto, and on top of all this – gilding in 24 Karat that you can eat!

The most expensive food you probably won't try

You've probably heard about the most expensive berries watermelon, densuke easily win the race in this price. It is a special type of black watermelon, which grows only on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Why is it so rare and expensive? Because of each crop harvested only 65 watermelons. Usually they are presented. A good gift for the 6 100 USD, is not it? The flavor is said to be similar to the regular watermelon, only with a slight difference in sweetness.

The most expensive food you probably won't try

If you thought densuke is the most expensive fruit, think again, because the Yubari melon is 22 872 dollar for the two pieces, making it one of the most expensive foods in the world. This pricey melon was sold at auction to the restaurant with a nautical theme.

The most expensive food you probably won't try

If you are in London and want to try the most rare and expensive game in the world, go to the "Caviar House and Prunier". Do not forget to bring $ 25,000 because that's how much this Iranian caviar. It is sold in the gold jar of 999 fineness.

The most expensive food you probably won't try

Truffles – the most expensive food in the world, because they are very difficult to grow. That's what makes them a delicacy and the king of all mushrooms. The most expensive truffle mushroom was for 160 000 dollars, which bought one investor from Hong Kong. He weighed 1.5 pounds. Certainly the soup was excellent.

Keywords: Food | Dozen | Expensive | Food and drinks

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