So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

Categories: Fashion | Positive | Society

People joke that on taste and color... all the markers are different. In short, we must understand and accept the fact that other people can be their own concept of style, fashion and beauty. And if you don't like it, then maybe you just have too many complexes?

In fact, we found 25 characters for the stack that the just heard. And at the same time and have no idea what is style and beauty. Well, if you try to explain it to them, you will likely hear in response: "Nothing you stupid do not understand! Now so fashionable!"

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

I'm sorry, but do you also think that she forgot to wear another piece of clothing? Skirt!

While on this product there are buyers, designers happy to try...

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

Uh... we better not say anything!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

And before this outfit was considered underwear!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

And a bit more women will give them a place in public transport!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

I hope this isn't the latest fashion?

When you cut your favorite jeans and realized that nothing. Winter on the nose!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

The patriotism of the 80th level!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

Will be fun to watch her in the ice!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

More, more glamour!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

And what Madonna and Julia Roberts can, and she's not?

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

You also now have only one question — what is she doing in the subway?So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

Well, as now we could UN-see?

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

Subway passengers are ready for action, but it seems this is too much!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

And here's another photo from the series "Monday morning"!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

The brutality of this macho is off the charts!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

It seems, soon be allowed to wear leggings without skirts will have on the legislative level!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

And now you know that we are not joking?

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

But not everyone's nervous system in order for this to watch!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

What do you think — at work or on a date?

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

I can't imagine how to look his companion...

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

Nothing you stupid do not understand! Now so fashionable!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

What do you know about style?

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

Women, take heart!

So fashionable now: 25 photos of people for whom style is more important complexes

Keywords: Fashionista | Fashionista | Absurdity | Selection

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