Scientists have divided porn lovers into three groups, and only one of them is "healthy"

Scientists have divided porn lovers into three groups, and only one of them is "healthy"

Categories: Society

Although we consider porn to be something taboo and indecent, it is pointless to deny its influence on modern society. And since this phenomenon is important, it is not surprising that scientists have begun to study it. Many studies have already been conducted and even a new disease has been identified – porn addiction. And recently, psychology has divided all the fans of "strawberry" into three groups, of which only one includes "healthy" people.

Scientists have divided porn lovers into three groups, and only one of them is "healthy"

Scientists from the Canadian University of Laval decided to study in detail the connoisseurs of the adult genre. They analyzed the data of 850 respondents of different genders and ages, subjecting them to tests and psychological analyses. As a result, all fans of spicy content were divided into three groups.

Scientists have divided porn lovers into three groups, and only one of them is "healthy"

They called them like this: "restorative forces", "experiencing an irresistible attraction" and "at risk". It doesn't sound very clear, but we'll explain everything now. The first group of "recovering" included those who watch porn with benefits. With the help of an adult video, they recover their strength, but they are not at all obsessed with it.

These people watch porn regularly, but at the same time they live a regular sex life and are completely satisfied with it. There were 75.5% of such men and women among those who took part in the study. Psychologists attributed these people to a healthy group, whose psyche is not in danger.

The second group, "experiencing an irresistible attraction," is 12.7 percent of the respondents. These are people who are dissatisfied with their sex life. They watch porn often and a lot, replacing them with a normal sex life. Many of these people are characterized by avoiding topics of sex in communication. They seem to be afraid that someone will notice their hobby.

Scientists have divided porn lovers into three groups, and only one of them is "healthy"

"At risk" is 11.8 percent of respondents. These are people who do not have sexual partners and do not show interest in real relationships. Pornography replaces everything for them and this is already a manifestation of the disease. Such people have a serious risk of becoming full-fledged mentally ill, turned on sexual topics. Fortunately, those who fall into this category are successfully treated these days and return to normal life. But it's better not to push yourself to the extreme!

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