"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

Categories: Celebrities

There are many people in the world who are afraid, for example, of closed spaces (claustrophobia) or spiders (arachnophobia). Celebrities are also subject to phobias, and sometimes very exotic!

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

Looking at the actor, it is difficult to imagine that he is afraid of something! And Depp is very afraid of ... clowns. He believes that the devil is hiding behind painted faces and artificial smiles.

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

The model has long talked about her fear of accumulating small holes: "All my friends know that I suffer from trypophobia. I can not calmly look at pancakes, honeycombs, lotus seeds. Who knows what might be hiding in the small holes?! I am suddenly seized with a terrible anxiety."

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

The singer admitted that after the show "The Last Hero" became afraid of diving under water. Considering that she had to do it in "Fort Boyard" and even shoot a video for her own song with underwater scenes, Julia can be both sympathetic and admired at the same time!

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

The American actress supports Julia in the fear of water. As a child, Aniston almost drowned in the pool.

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

Last year, the famous figure skater said that she is very afraid of butterflies and when she sees them, she immediately begins to cry and laugh. Evgenia added that she met only one person with the same rare phobia.

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

Surprisingly, Zhenya has a phobia colleague! The Australian actress jumps away from the butterflies and moths in horror and demands that they are not in sight during filming on the street.

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

The actress tries to look in the mirror as little as possible, because she experiences uncontrollable unpleasant emotions.

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

A famous actor is afraid of pigs. In principle, city residents can see them only in the zoo, but Bloom found himself face to face with a wild boar that ran out of the pen during the filming of the film "Kingdom of Heaven".

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

The singer is very afraid of ghosts and paranormal phenomena. Before checking into a hotel room, she asks the assistants to scan the room. It is reported that she spent 30 thousand dollars on a project to produce an electromagnetic field detector.

"Remove the pig!": unexpected phobias of Depp, Bloom, Medvedeva and other stars

The actress is afraid of birds, having a horror of their wings and beak. However, she can tolerate a small bird sitting on her shoulder.

Keywords: Actors | Stars | Fears | Phobia | Show business

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