Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Categories: Exhibition

The stormy fantasy of the artist from the USA Michael S. Hayes (Michael C. Hayes) knows no boundaries. Angels and demons, knights and beautiful ladies, mysterious priests and amazing animals look at the viewer from his works. But the naked beauties are especially good at the master. The artist depicts them in a variety of situations — in battle and after, during sleep, talking with a loved one, just thinking in the garden or at the mirror. (Careful! Nude).

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

The success story of Michael S. Hayes is absolutely atypical for an artist and illustrator. Until the age of 17, he did not even think to take up a brush or at least a pencil. Accidentally choosing a computer graphics elective in college, Michael suddenly realized that he was fascinated by fine art. After that, he tried to paint and did not give up this idea anymore.

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Although Hayes got acquainted with drawing in a computer class, he did not become an adherent of digital art. Today he is one of the few in his genre who creates on canvas using oil, gouache and pastel.

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Looking at the paintings of the artist, it is difficult to imagine that he is self-taught in painting. Excellent work with composition, colors and perspective are worthy of the highest praise.

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

As for human anatomy, here the work of Michael S. Hayes is worth noting in particular. He loves to paint nude women, both in static and in motion. Their bodies are flawless and incredibly sexy, especially when combined with metal armor.

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Nude Warriors and Princesses from the Worlds of artist Michael S. Hayes

Looking at the works of Hayes, we can safely say that he is a worthy successor to the work of Luis Ricardo Falero, the founder of the fantasy genre in painting.

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