Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

Categories: Fashion | Life hacks

Each of us has favorite things that we want to wear for as long as possible. In order to maintain a neat appearance and extend the service life of clothes, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive laundry and stain removal products. Tips from the British expert Clemmie Fieldsend (Clemmie Fieldsend) will help prolong the life of your favorite outfits with the help of improvised tools that cost a penny and everyone has at home.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

In order for clothes to be worn as long as possible, you need to properly take care of it. In stores, we are offered a variety of products for bleaching, color preservation and stain removal, and all of them are not cheap. Clemmy Fieldsen is the editor of a fashion column, and she knows exactly how to prolong the life of your favorite things with the help of inexpensive improvised tools.

Here are simple life hacks to keep clothes in perfect condition.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

To return to its former whiteness, it is not necessary to use bleach or other expensive means. A mixture of baking soda, washing powder and vinegar will work perfectly. Add half a cup of soda to the drum of the washing machine, the usual dose of washing powder and vinegar to the compartments for washing products. The result will be simply brilliant!

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

After long walks, outerwear can smell unpleasant, especially if it got wet in the rain and did not have time to dry properly. Down jackets cannot be washed in a typewriter, because they will lose their shape. To refresh them, it is enough to use a little vodka. Fill half a bottle of spray with a mixture of vodka and lemon juice: lemon will give a fresh aroma, and vodka will get rid of unpleasant odors.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

Stains under the armpits on shirts are caused by aluminum, which is found in many deodorants and reacts with sweat. Never use bleach to remove them, it will only make the situation worse. Make a paste by kneading a few aspirin tablets and mixing them with a little water. Apply the mixture to the stain with a toothbrush before washing. Salicylic acid will completely eliminate contamination. You can also soak the shirt in a mixture of water and lemon juice: this will also help to remove sweat stains.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

Means for bleaching and preserving the color of clothes are not cheap. There is no need to spend extra money — what every housewife has in the kitchen will do. To keep things from losing their bright color, sprinkle them with a solution of ground pepper before sending them to the washing machine. Pepper dissolves and removes soap residues from clothes, which lead to a dull color.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

Did the jeans shrink after washing? There is an easy way to return them to their previous size. Wet them well, and then gently stretch the fabric to expand the fibers and achieve the desired effect. Dry the jeans in a horizontal position, and they will become as new.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

Underwear sewn from delicate fabrics often loses its shape after washing in the washing machine. To prevent this from happening, you can use a hand mixer for salads to wash it. Put a bra, panties or stockings in a mixer, add a tablespoon of washing powder, fill up to half with cold water and turn the handle until the thing is clean.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

To fix a broken zipper, many turn to workshops. Sometimes the repair price is equal to the cost of the item. You can fix the lock yourself with a fork. The video from TikTok, which shows how to do this, delighted users and gained hundreds of thousands of views.

You just need to push the two teeth of the fork into the openings in the lock and set the ends of the zipper. After that, slowly move the lock forward, connecting the zipper.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

Banana will help to restore the former shine to products made of natural and artificial leather. Rub the banana peel on your shoes and they will shine like new. Do not forget to remove the remaining fibers with a clean cloth. Potatoes cut in half will also help to improve the appearance of the skin.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

A high-quality bra is not cheap, so it needs proper care. To keep the shape of the product much longer, never bend it in half. Putting a cup on top of one another, you spoil them and bend the wire inside. It is best to put the bras on the shelf in an unfolded state, as in a store, on top of each other and fasten the fasteners. To keep the cups in shape, fill them with socks.

Like new! 10 simple life hacks to prolong the life of your favorite clothes

If you want to smooth clothes quickly and cheaply without using an iron, pour a glass of cold water into a spray bottle, add a teaspoon of laundry conditioner and medical alcohol. Shake the mixture, place the thing in a suspended state, spray the solution on it and leave it to dry completely. The same life hack works great for smoothing crumpled bed linen.

Compact storage of things saves space and allows you to get more free space. We have selected 20 options for the rational arrangement of clothes on the shelves of your closet.

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