Intricate and delicate carvings of Gabriel schama

Intricate and delicate carvings of Gabriel schama

Categories: Design and Architecture | Social Networks | World

American artist Gabriel schama carves stunning layered the ornaments from the tree. Received abstract compositions like "pulsing" wavy organic shapes, Recalling the monochromatic convex flower petals.

Working with sheets of plywood, 1/8 inch, glue and a device for laser cutting, it creates absolutely incredible geometric, multi-layered patterns.

Intricate and delicate carvings of Gabriel schamaGabriel schama (Schama Gabriel) lives and works in Auckland. He became famous thanks to the creation of mandalas from the tree. Their incredible masterpieces from plywood mahogany it creates with a laser.

Intricate and delicate carvings of Gabriel schamaHis obnovenie the artist draws the patterns of Islamic architecture and Buddhist mandalas. As is known, the mandala is a sacred schematic or design, used in Buddhist and Hindu religious practices. However, in contrast to the ephemeral compositions that are created by Buddhist monks, the works of Gabriel Shamy durable and quite material.

Intricate and delicate carvings of Gabriel schama

Intricate and delicate carvings of Gabriel schama

Intricate and delicate carvings of Gabriel schama

Intricate and delicate carvings of Gabriel schama

Intricate and delicate carvings of Gabriel schamaThe work that is presented above, was made by Gabriel after the successful participation in the Kickstarter project, and is being sold on the website of the author.

Keywords: Wood | Beautiful | Carving | Creativity | Artist

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