Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Categories: Photo project | Water

One day in 1938, an unknown photographer Mozert heard that the film "Tarzan" with swimmer Johnny Weissmuller in the title role was being shot in the resort town of Silver Springs in Florida. At first, Mozert wanted to make only a few frames of the workflow. But the lake where the shooting took place struck him with crystal clear water, and the photographer thought about a series of underwater pictures, for which he built a waterproof box for the camera from improvised materials.

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Thanks to the waterproof box, the photographer could dive into the water with the camera and move freely between the actors. After seeing this structure, the film crew, led by Weissmuller, laughed for a long time. But the first twelve pictures turned out to be so clear that the MGM film studio bought them to advertise "Tarzan".

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Soon Bruce Mozert became the main photographer of the Silver Springs resort and then shot for 45 years.

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

Fantastic retrophotographs from the bottom of the lake

This is how this unit looked like.

Keywords: Water | Archive | Lake | Under water | Photo project

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