Do you suffer from trypophobia?

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

Categories: World

Trypophobia is the fear of cavities, holes, holes, etc. So if you feel uncomfortable when you look, for example, honeycomb, better close this post because it is a real test for trypophobia.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

This phobia medical community has not yet recognized officially, however, it does not deny its existence. In nature, many things cause fear and disgust, for example, spiders, mice, blood. The same can be said of the rare things that can cause uncomfortable feeling. For example, the holes, especially on the surface of natural objects.

Maybe the holes, especially in organic objects, subconsciously remind us of the symptoms of an infectious disease affecting the skin. However, all this is only speculation, that proves once again how little science knows about a rare phobia – trypophobia.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

1. Cell.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

2. Lotus seeds.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

3. Condensate.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

4. An unusual tuning machines.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

5. Coral.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

6. Mushrooms.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

7. Bubbles.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

8. Stocks of acorn woodpecker in tree bark.

Do you suffer from trypophobia?

9. Cantaloupe.

10. The Suriname toad.

So, can you relate themselves to trypophobia or any emotion they're not called?

Keywords: Peace | Fear | Phobia of holes

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