Decebal King Of Dacia Statue In Rock, ,dacia Was Antic Province Of Romania, Se Europe.

Decebal King Of Dacia Statue In Rock, ,dacia Was Antic Province Of Romania, Se Europe.

Categories: Beauty | Europe | Nature | World

On The most stunning part of the Danube River, Romanian Danube Canyons, 20 years ago a young artist from Orsova, SW Romania, and his team made on the side of the rocky hills a statue with the head of the last King of Dacia, DECEBAL, antic name of Romania, later became an important province of Roman Imperium, This king has died during the wars of conquest of Roman Imperium with Traian Imperator. years 103…106 a.c. This huge artwork in the rock was achieved in about 5 years on the rock side of the Danube . in dimensions of 10m x 50 m height. It's the biggest statue in the Rock of Europe.


Decebal King Of Dacia Statue In Rock, ,dacia Was Antic Province Of Romania, Se Europe.

1. DEEBAL, Statue in Rock

Decebal King Of Dacia Statue In Rock, ,dacia Was Antic Province Of Romania, Se Europe.

2. Statue of DECEBAL, King of Dacia

Decebal King Of Dacia Statue In Rock, ,dacia Was Antic Province Of Romania, Se Europe.

3. DECEBAL. 50m height Statue in the Canyons of the Danube

Decebal King Of Dacia Statue In Rock, ,dacia Was Antic Province Of Romania, Se Europe.


Keywords: Mountain | Nature | Decebal King | Rock | Romania | Europe | Biggest statue

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