Bug Polkan and Fido: how did the most popular Russian dog names

Bug Polkan and Fido: how did the most popular Russian dog names

Categories: Animals

We know the origin of the rarest and most intricate male and female names and may even explain the origin of the unusual names. But if you ask anyone about the meaning of the dog names, known in Russia for centuries, it is unlikely that you will receive the intelligible answer. We will try to fill this gap in knowledge and will tell you about the 6 most famous dog names.

Bug Polkan and Fido: how did the most popular Russian dog names

Bug Polkan and Fido: how did the most popular Russian dog names

Strangely enough, but such a vulgar, at first glance, the dog's name is of noble birth. Aces called his hunting dogs nobles, with a fondness for gambling, namely maps. Later, the formal and formidable ACE, suitable for large and ferocious dog, transformed into the familiar folk — Fido.

Bug Polkan and Fido: how did the most popular Russian dog names

Dog name Polkan folklore. That was the name of a mythical monster from the popular works of the 16th century Beauvais about the Prince. Polkan was a monster that included parts of the horse, man and dog. Can you think of a better name for the formidable guardian of the yard, sitting on the chain?

Bug Polkan and Fido: how did the most popular Russian dog names

The origin of the nicknames Trezor has two versions. According to the first it appeared in the 19th century, along with the fashion for French adventure novels about pirates and treasures. "Tresor" in French, is a treasure. The second version of the domestic. According to her, the name is derived from the old Slavonic word "Trevor", that is psychic.

Bug Polkan and Fido: how did the most popular Russian dog names

But watchdogs in Russia reappeared thanks to the European writers of romance and books about pirates. The nickname comes from the Latin "barba" beard. Most European languages use the term to refer to the beard, Barbara. In the 19th century, the story of Vikings, pirates and treasure hunters have made the word extremely popular.

Bug Polkan and Fido: how did the most popular Russian dog names

You might think that the nickname the Ball connected with the geometry, but it's not. The word is "szary" came to us from the Polish language and means "grey". The so-called grey dogs — this color is most common among stray dogs. Once Poland was part of the Russian Empire, so the nickname and became international.

Bug Polkan and Fido: how did the most popular Russian dog names

With Bugs it's very simple — comes from the ordinary bug. Small, black and very smart dog deserves such a name. And if it is still painful bite, there's nothing better than you can imagine.

Keywords: Animals | Dogs | People | The aristocracy | Dog | Names | Rus

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