Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

Categories: Food and Drinks

Choosing a gift for a birthday or any other significant date can be excruciatingly difficult. But there are always classic options that will not let you miss — this is a book and something edible-alcoholic. A great surprise option was offered by one of the Pikabu users. He made an unusual beer basket for his friend using the simplest materials and products.

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

It's worth saying right away that it's not difficult to order such a gift basket on the Internet, but the price of these products "bites". It is much more profitable and, importantly, more pleasant to make a gift for a friend on your own, taking into account all his preferences.

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

At the bottom of the box, you need to lay foam, 3-4 cm thick. It will become the basis for the composition on which everything will be fixed. The foam should be wrapped with parchment paper so that it does not come into contact with food.

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

From peanuts in the shell and pistachios, these spikelets are made. To do this, the nuts are glued onto long wooden skewers with an adhesive gun.Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

The box, so that it looks more cheerful, can be additionally decorated with paper in this way.

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

Agree, the box after that began to look much more interesting.

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

Beer should not just be put in a box, but glued to the walls so that the bottles do not fall during transportation.Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

Such bags are made of packaging film.

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

They are filled with colorful mouth-watering snacks, a skewer is inserted and wrapped with tape.

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

All other delicious things are also attached to skewers, along with chili pepper and rosemary. It turns out very decorative!Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

It remains to assemble everything into an original composition, fixing the skewers in a foam base.Basket "For beer" - a gift to a man made with his own hands

It turns out to be such a wonderful, and most importantly, an exclusive gift that the recipient will surely appreciate. Such a surprise will surely be appreciated by a man, but what to give a girl? Try to make an unusual chandelier or lamp with your own hands, which will be the only and unique.

Keywords: Friend | Snacks | Decoration | Beer | Gift | With your own hands | Surprise | Fantasy

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