30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

Categories: Design and Architecture | Social Networks | World

Bathroom is an important part of the house, because there we spend a lot of time. So this is an isolated location can tell a lot about the home owner. Have you ever came to visit, and seeing the bathroom, shouting: "gods, how beautiful (or awful)!"? People who have experienced it themselves, shared the findings in the Facebook group.

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Bathroom in a Chicago apartment in 1930-ies. Don't want nothing here to change!"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"In our bedroom there is an unusual pattern, behind which hides the bathroom. None of our friends had never suspected that it's not just a picture"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"When we moved to the rented apartment and went into the bathroom and was in a pleasant shock. Never seen a bathroom in the Roman style"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Bathroom design 1929 in the apartment of my mother"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"My favorite place in the apartment. Bathroom in Victorian style"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"I bought this apartment just because of the gorgeous bathroom"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Pristine modern renovated bathroom from the 1970s"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Bathroom in the house of my grandparents. Perhaps not everyone will like the style of the 50s, but I just love her"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"And here is my "Royal" bathroom"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Bathroom, filled with things bought at flea markets"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"It all started with vintage galvanized sink that I bought at a flea market, and off we go.."

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"My vintage bath with charming Swan"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Real estate agents assured me that if I don't like the bathroom, it can be repainted. But I saw her and realized she was really cool"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"This picture, which I bought at a flea market, always give the guests the horror. They say her eyes look into the soul"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Before, this bathroom was the room of my grandmother, where she painted"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"My bathroom. There are two types of people: those who really like it, and those who have it just love it"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"The glare of the sun creates in my bathroom rainbow"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"And it seems to be Satan's bathroom"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Our house is 1939, the year of construction, and in the bathroom there remained an interesting step"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Our psychedelic abode"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Minimalism in the bathroom of my parents"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"I don't remember how it all happened, but we bought the house 30 years ago, and since then I've decorated it"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Intact tub from the 80s in our new home"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Guest bathroom at the ranch"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

Mirror is never too much, thought the mistress..

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"My grandparents bought this house in 1985. I live here Now. I love these colorful design signs of the time"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

Bathroom contrasts

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"My parents moved into a new house and decided to decorate the bathroom"

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

How to you such coloring?

30 bathrooms with a strange and creative design

"Unusual bathroom in our rented house"

Keywords: Bath | Room | Creative

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