22-year-old American Alyssa Carson is going to become the first person on Mars

22-year-old American Alyssa Carson is going to become the first person on Mars

Categories: News | Space

American Alyssa Carson (Alyssa Carson) 22 years old and 19 of them she dreams of flying into space. The girl says that for the first time she thought about it at the age of 3, and a couple of years later she began to go towards her goal. At the age of 18, Carson got as close as possible to the implementation of the plan - she became a member of NASA's Mars exploration program.

22-year-old American Alyssa Carson is going to become the first person on Mars

The dream of space appeared in the head of three-year-old Alyssa after watching one of the episodes of the animated series Dreamers. The girl began to be interested in interplanetary flights even before school. And at the age of 16, she became the youngest graduate of the NASA Higher Space Academy. She was given a certificate confirming that she had completed a course in applied astronautics. This is a serious document that enables the owner to apply for participation in space flights.

22-year-old American Alyssa Carson is going to become the first person on Mars

Now Alyssa Carson is one of the main contenders for participation in the colonization of Mars. NASA's mission to the Red Planet is scheduled to begin in 2030. It is planned that Carson will spend 2-3 years on Mars, doing scientific research. She will have to study the geography and geology of the planet. There are also plans to explore its evolution and, of course, look for local life forms. Alyssa will also prepare the base for the further colonization of Mars.

22-year-old American Alyssa Carson is going to become the first person on Mars

Between Earth and Mars, 56 million kilometers of open space filled with dangers. But this does not frighten the brave American. She is not even embarrassed that circumstances may arise due to which she will never be able to return home. About the upcoming flight, the girl says this:

22-year-old American Alyssa Carson is going to become the first person on Mars

The universe is truly limitless, and it is unlikely that humanity will ever get a complete picture of it. The Milky Way alone has about 300 billion stars. Even if only 10 percent of them are like the sun and have planets, there could be more than 30 billion planets in our Galaxy alone. Scientists say that there are at least 100 billion galaxies in the universe, so the number of planets is about 10 to the 21st power.

22-year-old American Alyssa Carson is going to become the first person on Mars

The possibilities of people are still more than modest, and we have only been on the moon. The exploration of Mars will be a huge breakthrough in science, as there is a possibility that there is life on this planet. Even if it's bacteria, finding them could support the hypothesis that there is intelligent life somewhere in space. In an interview, Alyssa Carson said:

22-year-old American Alyssa Carson is going to become the first person on Mars

The girl is sure that if she manages to get to the Red Planet, then her example will inspire thousands of people around the world. She recalls the time when her dream of space seemed absolutely fantastic. A few years ago, she could not even think that she would be offered to become the first person on Mars. But now it's a reality and Carson purposefully trains and studies in order not to miss a unique chance.

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