15 foods that you can eat even at night

15 foods that you can eat even at night

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine

There are quite a popular way to lose weight that are used by those who don't want to bother with the difficult diet: do not eat after six o'clock in the evening. Or seven, as you like. The main thing — do not eat before bedtime.

Here's a list of foods that you can eat after six, and after ten... whenever. They are quite useful and low-calorie to affect any diet very positive way.

15 foods that you can eat even at night


15 foods that you can eat even at night

By themselves, the mushrooms are not that high in calories. If you boil them, not fry in plenty of oil, and it does a dietary product. And no, they are not heavy on the stomach, but we got used to serve them with a large number of different ingredients that all together really create the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. (Photo: rexfeatures)

Vegetable caviar

15 foods that you can eat even at night

Vegetable caviar homemade there's absolutely nothing harmful. Select your choice of mushroom, squash, eggplant. Vegetable caviar in any case it will turn out very tasty and satisfying.


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Favorite berry can be eaten even after 18:00. As for calories, they are very little, but useful properties galore. In raspberries contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals that improve skin condition and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.


15 foods that you can eat even at night

White fish belongs to the category of dietary products. One of the most useful for human health is cod. In this fish has vitamins and valuable elements which are only for the benefit, strengthening the immune system and normalizing the work of many organs. (Photo: rexfeatures)


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Corn is not only useful but also very tasty. Preference should be given not canned, and cooked corn. It removes excess cholesterol from the body and prevents the accumulation of fat reserves. So if during the day you ate something heavy and forbidden, that evening, stop your choice on corn. (Photo: rexfeatures)


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Do not abandon nectarines, despite the fact that the fruit is not recommended to eat in the afternoon. In nectarines high concentration of fiber, which, on the contrary, accelerates the metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fat.


15 foods that you can eat even at night

In 100 grams of apricots contains only 42 calories. So between the chocolate, biscuits and apricots to choose it fruit. (Photo: rexfeatures)


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Turnip we so often ignore. But in vain. This is a very useful vegetable, which must be in the diet. Turnip effectively cleanses the body, strengthens the immune system and charges the body with energy. And yet it belongs to the category of dietary products. (Photo: rexfeatures)


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Orange beauty will not harm your figure. Pumpkin can be prepared, perhaps, the largest number of healthy dishes. This cream soup, and mashed potatoes, and salad. (Photo: rexfeatures)


15 foods that you can eat even at night

All types of cabbage are rich in b vitamins, taking part in all important processes in the human body. And cabbage is a dietary product. Therefore, it is perfect for dinner.


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Kiwi is simply an indispensable product for those who want to lose weight. Kiwi helps the body burn and break down fat, eliminates heaviness in the stomach and normalizes the water-salt balance. (Photo: rexfeatures)


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Here's another good fish that can and should eat after 18:00. In the flounder contains methionine. Useful properties of this substance is that it is able to break down fats. (Photo: rexfeatures)


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Celery is a product with a negative calorie content. This means that the body spends a lot of energy on the digestion of protein. Therefore, for an evening of eating celery is just perfect.


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Many think that the feelings of hunger to eat the Apple. But preference should be given to the pear. After Apple's appetite played out with a Bang, and that's a juicy pear perfectly will satisfy your hunger. A calorie in it even less. (Photo: rexfeatures)


15 foods that you can eat even at night

Beets belong to the category of essential products. It helps to regulate fat metabolism, thereby preventing obesity. A nice bonus: beets useful in any form. Therefore it is possible to experiment — cook, bake or eat it raw! (Photo: rexfeatures)

Keywords: Health and medicine | Foods list | Diet | Evening | Food and drink | Calories | Useful tips | Weight loss

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