10 unique prepodobnykh photos

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

Categories: Nature | Water

When the camera is in the hands of a professional, we have a truly beautiful photo. If professional while still submerged, the frames can be even more amazing. But rarely we can see what is happening under water and above water at the same time. These 10 prepodobnykh images create a completely unique immersive experience.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

The whale shark is the largest of all extant species of shark, and the largest of modern fish.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

Girl swims off the coast of Moorea in the Pacific, 17 kilometres Northwest of Tahiti.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

The octopus came to look at the snow-covered Vesuvius.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

Old 60-year-old Rajan elephant plays with its owner at one of the small Islands in the Bay of Bengal.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

Rays near the Cayman Islands, a popular resort in the Caribbean sea.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

Girl is preparing for diving on the beach of Jamaica.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

The underwater part of the cave on the island of Zanzibar in Tanzania.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

A fisherman on the Pacific island of Mare, French New Caledonia.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

Jellyfish at the pier in the Egyptian resort town of Nuweiba.

10 unique prepodobnykh photos

Penguins on a tiny island Danko Herrera in the Strait off the coast of Antarctica.

Keywords: Nature | Water | Pictures | Under the water

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