10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

Categories: Cinema

Getting into unusual situations, the characters from the movies always find a way out. At the same time, they do not burn in the fire, and they do not sink in the water, and in general they cope with all the troubles very beautifully and effectively. To the viewers at the screen, the individual techniques used seem so simple that the thought involuntarily comes to mind: "If I were in his place, I would do the same."

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

But in reality, everything is completely different from in the movies, and the technique adopted from the beloved hero may not just be useless, but also cause harm to health. Even if you find yourself in a mess, one in one resembling the one that happened to a famous movie hero, do not rush to repeat the same thing that he did in the film. It's better to gather your thoughts and think about what to do next. Leave amazing feats and clever tricks to movie heroes, because most of them would rather be driven into a coffin than help them survive.

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

In the movie "The Princess Bride", the main character Westley arranges an intellectual duel with the villain Vizzini: he needs to guess which of the two cups is spiked with poison. In the final of the duel, it turns out that both glasses were poisoned, and Westley managed to survive only because over the years he had developed immunity to the poison.

In reality, regular consumption of a small amount of poison will have no effect other than fatal: the toxin will gradually destroy the body or accumulate in it, which can eventually lead to death.

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

When the hero of the film suddenly finds himself in the epicenter of a firefight, in order to get out of it, he covers himself with a lifeless body that comes to hand, after which he safely leaves the battlefield.

Do not forget that in reality there are also such bullets that quickly fly through the human body and get stuck only in the subsequent obstacle. If you get in their way with a body for cover, with a high probability everything will end in a fatal outcome.

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

Only the indefatigable Jean-Claude Van Damme can cope with hordes of enemies and a snake without any weapons, but only with his bare hands. Are you Van Damme? Then you don't need to wave your fists when meeting a snake. In this situation, you have only one way out — to get out of here quickly and away.

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

In the movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", Harrison Ford's hero escapes from a nuclear explosion in a leaded refrigerator.

In practice, such a plan of action during a nuclear disaster is suitable only for Indiana Jones. It's easy to get locked up in such an improvised shelter. The instructions for survival in a nuclear war for the civilian population recommend taking shelter in the nearest most protected building.

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

In an attempt to escape from their pursuers, movie characters always end up on the roof. They descend from it as quickly as they found themselves there, jumping into the nearest bushes or, most conveniently, a container located below, filled to the brim with garbage. When falling, of course, in the worst case, everyone gets off with a slight bruise.

If you run away from the villains, there will be no suitable thickets or garbage cans nearby. And if they do, then, believe me, landing in them will be such that the next point on your route will be the nearest emergency room, and this is even with a successful landing. Remember: trees and tanks are for movie heroes, for everyone else — stairs!

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

With the sword of Japanese samurai, movie heroes can not only deal with their enemies, but also dodge bullets with it — they simply cut them in the air.

It is possible to do this in reality, but only to a fighter trained for many years, who has enviable luck and reaction speed. For everyone else, the deadly number will really prove fatal.

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

When it is not possible to leave the room through the door, the movie characters get out of it through the window. If someone else is chasing them at this moment, the glass is broken not by any object, but by its own body. Of course, all this without cuts and abrasions.

They manage to do such a trick without consequences because the window in the films is not made of ordinary, but of sugar glass, from which the fragments fly apart spectacularly, but do not cause any harm. If you decide to exit in this way through a standard window, there will be consequences.

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

If the hero is trapped, and at least some rope or wire stretches from the object, he has every chance to leave. He will deftly throw a handy thing on the cable and roll down on an improvised zipline.

Will you be able to do this and not get hurt? Probably not. Even if it is not a live wire, there is a high probability that it is not designed for such loads and may not withstand the weight of a person's body.

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

Whether it's a villain or a hysterical beauty in trouble, the hero of the film often does not come up with anything better than to hit him or her with something heavy on the head in order to neutralize for a while or just calm down in this way. The stunned characters come to their senses a couple of minutes later, feeling only a little dizzy.

In reality, such methods of disabling the enemy will end for him at least with a concussion, in the worst case — with irreversible brain and head injuries.

10 survival movie myths that don't bode well

The main character is the main one, so a second before the explosion, he knows exactly which way and where to jump. A door, a window—if there was at least some opening nearby, he would certainly come out of the building unharmed.

In practice, the blast wave moves faster than a person. A mere mortal should not expect that it is possible to dodge it only by reacting quickly and jumping to the side.

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