10 science-based ways to relax

10 science-based ways to relax

Categories: Health and Medicine

In our fast-paced age of speed and hard work, a person quickly accumulates emotional fatigue, irritability, which leads to stress. And chronic stress is bad, because it leads to weight gain, increases blood pressure, and makes us depressed. Therefore, in order to reduce stress, you just need to relax periodically.

10 science-based ways to relax

In fact, there are a great many ways to relax: you can take a day off and take a break from work, you can go for a walk in the woods, take a bath, listen to jokes, etc. Today we bring to your attention 10 scientifically based ways to relax.

10 science-based ways to relax

Experts found that the music "In a state of weightlessness" by the Marconi Union group (Manchester) helped women relax faster than the songs of Enya, Mozart, and Coldplay. A continuous rhythm causes brain waves and brings the heart rate in sync with the rhythm.

10 science-based ways to relax

Kissing between loving people causes the production of the chemical oxytocin, which leads to a decrease in the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

10 science-based ways to relax

Laughter is a proven way to deal with stress. It has also been established that laughter is an effective means of reducing psychological stress.

10 science-based ways to relax

Studies show that yoga classes — through a combination of controlled breathing and certain poses that relax muscles — reduces anxiety, depression and fatigue. In a study of 50 medical students, scientists found that yoga led to increased concentration, reduced irritability and a more optimistic outlook on life.

10 science-based ways to relax

According to Anna Magi, author of the stress relief diet, a study has shown that 40 grams of dark chocolate a day can help us cope with stress, because it helps in creating "happiness chemicals" known as beta-endorphins.

10 science-based ways to relax

This is a well-known method of relaxation for a long time, which consists in detachment from the tense reality that is happening and going into the world of dreams. Visualize something calming for a while: how do you take a bath, listen to music, or sit on a park bench.

10 science-based ways to relax

Studies show that people who have pets, including dogs and cats, have lower blood pressure and are calmer when stroking a furry friend.

10 science-based ways to relax

We do not suggest drinking alcohol during stress. But drinking at least moderate amounts of soft drinks or tea would be very useful to reduce tension.

10 science-based ways to relax

Studies have found that chewing gum, regardless of taste, reduces stress levels and increases concentration. This happens because the production of saliva reduces the amount of cortisol.

10 science-based ways to relax

At least, if it's not related to work. A study by the British Psychological Society has shown that intrusive phone calls, as well as constant messages, notifications and updates, cause people really stress.

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